إعلان صادر عن دائر ة شئون الخريجين لخريجي كلية الهندسة وإدارة الأعمال باللغة الإنجليزية وقسم اللغة الإنجليزية بكليتي الآداب والتربية


Job_Application_Form_-_GFO- تعبئة طلب.doc 

JOB VACANCY (Two Months)



The Alumni Department at the Islamic University – Gaza, in cooperation with the Palestinians Relief and Development Fund (Interpal) – Gaza Field Office is going to recruit applications for temporary job vacancies (a full time Field Worker for two months) with the following details:


Tasks & Responsibilities:

·         Communicate with the beneficiaries and prepare for field visits.

·         Conduct field visits for the beneficiaries.

·         Fill the social research forms in both Arabic and English and archiving the necessary supporting documents.

·         Analyze the situations and make suitable notes and recommendations.

·         Fill the forms from paper into electronic forms (word forms).

·         Any other related tasks.




·         Bachelor degree in one of the following fields:

-English literature with a minimum graduation average 70+%.

-English Education, Business administration in English, or Engineering with a minimum graduation average 80+%.

·         Graduated during the years 2010, 2011, 2012, or 2013.

·         Preferred at least one year of experience working in preparing reports, preferably within an NGO environment.

·         Excellent English language skills (reading and writing).

·         Excellent computer skills (Windows, MS Office, Internet, .. etc.).

·         Personal Laptop to be used in the work (Main Requirement).

·         Good typing skills (Arabic and English)

·         Excellent communication skills.

·         Ability to work within a team and under heavy workloads.




Interested applicants (IUG Graduates) should download the attached application which has to be filled in and emailed to the email [email protected] no later than Thursday, 8th August 2013,.


Short listed candidates will be tested/ interviewed. Please note that the salary will be US$ 500 a month.



Alumni Department

Community Service& continuing Education Deanship

The Islamic University of Gaza


