المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للعلوم الصحية The Second International Conference of Health Sciences

المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للعلوم الصحية The Second International Conference of Health Sciences

The Second International Conference of Health Sciences



Faculty of Health Sciences


تصفح موقع المؤتمر




The Second International Conference of Health Sciences is an event that brings together professionals, researchers, academics, policymakers, and students from various fields of health sciences, including Medical Laboratory sciences, Physiotherapy and rehabilitation, Optometry and ophthalmology, public health and nutrition and antimicrobial resistance. The aim of the conference is to discuss current issues, share knowledge, and promote collaboration in the field of Health Sciences. The conference serves as a platform for presenting new research findings, exchanging ideas, and trying to explore new solutions to the challenges facing the health sector.


Conference Objectives and themes


The Conference aims to provide a forum for participants to present and discuss their research findings, innovations, and best practices in various fields of Health Sciences.

The conference seeks to promote interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and practitioners from different disciplines.

The conference intends to promote public awareness of the importance of Health Sciences and their role in improving health outcomes.

To provide an opportunity for undergraduate and postgraduate students to present their research.



Medical laboratory sciences

Physiotherapy, rehabilitation and palliative care

Optometry and Ophthalmology

Public health and nutrition

Antimicrobials and antimicrobial resistance


Important dates

Abstract submission deadline:30/06/2023

Abstract acceptance notification:01/08/2023

Full text submission deadline:30/09/2023

Conference activities:18-19/11/2023


Conference Committee 

Chairman of the Conference

Dr. Mazen Al Zaharna | Contact number: +970597111030


Organizing Committee

Chairman Organizing Committee
Dr. Hamed Alkhodari | Contact number: +972592789901

Vice Chairman of Organizing Committee
Dr. Mohammed Laqqan | Contact number: +972 59-9243642

Mr. Mohammad Kraizem

Dr. Khaled Awad

Mr. Ahmed Alqassas

Ms. Amani Mezher

Mr. Ahmed Alshorafa

Mr. Ahmed Alnajjar

Ms. Alia Elkeshai

Dr. Ayman Abu Mustafa

Ms. Nour Abu Tayyem

Ms. Hadeer Abu Warda

Ms. Renad Abu Dan

Dr. Suhaib Al Hams

Mr. Nasser Abu Shaban

Mr. Sami Oewemar


Scientific Committee

Chairman of Scientific Committee
Prof. Abdelraouf El Manama | Contact number: +972 59-946-5564

Vice Chairman of Scientific Committee
Ms. Alaa Khudair | Contact number: +972 59-946-5564


Advisory Committee

Prof. Mohammed Shubair

Prof. Fadel Al Sharif

Prof. Majed Yassin

Prof. Yousif Al Jeesh


Conference Secretary

Mr. Abdul Kareem Al Asaly

Mr. Ayman Dubaik Matar


Peer Reviewer from Islamic University of Gaza

Prof. Khamis El Essi

Dr. Amer Abu Imara

Dr. Bilal Dabour

Dr. Ashraf El Geddy

Dr. Baker Al Zabout

Dr. Hany Ferwana

Dr. Fadel Naim

Dr. Hani Farwana

Dr. Ahmed Al Ghazali

Dr. Suhaib Al Hams

Dr. Mohammed Dabbour

Dr. Ahmed Al Ghazali


Peer Reviewer from Local Ministry of Health

Dr. Mohammed Abu Nada

Dr. Ayman Al Halabi

Dr. Majdi Idhir

Dr. Abdallah Hamdouna

Dr. Mohammed Al Jarousha

Dr. Ramy Al Abadla


Peer Reviewer from Local National Universities

Prof. Mahmoud Sirdah – Al-Azhar University

Prof. Basim Ayesh – Al_Aqsa University

Prof. Nahed Al Laham – Al-Azhar University

Dr. Ehab El Masry – Al-Azhar University

Dr. Mazen Abu Qamar – Al-Azhar University

Dr. Bassam Abu Hamad – Al-Quds University

Dr. Mohammed Sorour – Palestine University

Dr. Rania Abu Seir – Al-Quds University

Dr. Atef Massad – Isra University

Dr. Adly Skaik – Palestine University

Dr. Suad Ghaben – Al-Azhar University

Dr. Ahmed Najm – Islamic University of Gaza

Dr. Izzat Al Askari – Isra University

Dr. Ehab Nasr – Al-Azhar University

Dr. Adham Abu Taha – An-Najah National University

Dr. Nabil Al Aila – Al_Aqsa University

Dr. Mohammed Al Qady – An-Najah National University


International Peer Reviewer

Prof. Wei Dong – China

Prof. Asem Shihabi – Jordan

Prof. Saleem Banihani – Jordan

Prof. Samia Boussaa – Morocco

Prof. Fayez Shaldoum – Saudi Arabia

Prof. Gehan Abu Elenain – Egypt

Dr. Ahmed Mahdi – Germany

Dr. Islam Ahmed – Germany

Dr. Firdaus Yusof – Malaysia

Dr. Sharif Suleiman – Malta

Dr. Yazan Gammoh – Jordan

Dr. Suhaila Al Shaboul – Jordan

Dr. Eman Shawa – Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mustafa Ali – Egypt


Peer Reviewer from Red Cross

Dr. Ahmed Mousa


Peer Reviewer from UNRWA

Dr. Ibtisam Saqer



Call of participation

We are pleased to announce the “Call for Participation” in the Second International Health Sciences Conference “ICHS-II”, to be held on 18-19/11/2023 at the Islamic University of Gaza. We invite submissions of abstracts for presentations, posters, and symposia on topics related to the conference themes. Researchers who are unable to travel to Gaza Strip can participate via Video Conferencing, Skype, or a pre-recorded presentation.


Abstract and full text submission

Registration form should be completed online.

Research previously presented, in other conference is not accepted.

Abstract should be written according to the following template: https://ichs.iugaza.edu.ps/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2023/05/Abstract-format.docx.

All abstracts will undergo a peer-review process.

Researchers willing to submit their full text manuscript to IUG Journal of Natural Studies should write the manuscript in accordance to the journal’s guidelines Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FEiJLYRgjnJmt_mItIQAseOjs6o-fv2q/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115822444764940940162&rtpof=true&sd=true.

Full text manuscripts should be submitted through the following link: https://journals.iugaza.edu.ps/public/docs/11641-53212-1-SP.docx.

The submitted manuscripts will undergo a peer-view process according to the publishing system at the IUG Journal of Natural Studies.



Contact Us

Dr. Hamed Alkhodari

Organizing Committee Chairman

E-Mail: [email protected]

Whatsapp: 00972 592789901

Tel: +970 8 2644400     Ext: 2750

Conference E-Mail: [email protected]


شعار المؤتمر:

تعزيز البحث العلمي من أجل صحة أفضل

Fostering Research for Better Health
